NUCA’s Core Purpose
Improve the operational proficiency and financial performance of its member companies by providing services that focus on shared industry issues. NUCA also works to secure more funding for America's aging underground infrastructure.
Who We Are
NUCA Eastern Washington/North Idaho Chapter is a trade association working to protect and advance the Inland Empire’s excavation and utility construction industry. Our member companies provide the materials and workforce that builds and maintains our region’s network of water, sewer, gas, electric, telecommunications, excavation, treatment plant, and construction site development industries.
Mission Statement
The mission of the National Utility Contactors Association of Eastern WA & North ID is to be a resource for the utility construction and excavation industry in Eastern Washington & North Idaho; and to help improve the operational proficiency and financial performance of member companies through safety, education, training, advocacy, networking opportunities and support.

Improving the operational proficiency and financial performance of our members
Executive Committee & Board of Directors
Rick Oliver
President Elect​​
Marshall Sampson
Inland Infrastructure
​General Board Member, Associate
Jim Majeskey
PayneWest Insurance
General Board Member, Contractor
Mary Lyons
General Board Member, Associate
Mark Gunderson
Badger Infrastructure Solutions
Immediate Past President
Mat Haneke
WM. Winkler Co.
Ex-Officio Officer-
Scot Hattenburg
M&L Construction
​General Board Member, Contractor
Justin Hauge
Copenhaver Construction
General Board Member, Associate
Todd Hickman
Peak Machinery/Bobcat